Q-net Pro v7.0.2 has been released. You can read about the fixes and new features implemented in this release.
New features
Device pairing
The Device Pairing feature streamlines and simplifies the installation and configuration of hardware devices. You can read more about the functionality here: Pairing
Estonian ID card support
Estonian card reader device has been added. You can use it to read Estonian ID card and use for the CRM.
QR code reading on Ticket Dispenser
QR code reading support is added to the Ticket Dispenser device. In the authentication and appointment input dialog, you can read a QR code instead of typing the input value.
SSL support
The Q-net Pro 7 support SSL certificates in backed HTTP server. It can be configured in 3 different ways:
- using Self-signed SSL
- using a Java Keystore file
- using certificate and key file in PEM format
The Appointment features has been implemented. You can read more about it here: Appointment
Android Apps
We have developer Android applications for the major devices:
- SH74 Ticket dispenser
- SH76 Media Player
- SH77 Customer Feedback
- SH78 Calling Unit
Read more about it here: Android Apps
Inactivity dialog on Ticket Dispenser
An inactivity alert dialog has been implemented into the Ticket Dispenser device. If the customer navigates in the ticket dispenser services structure and the inactive time is reached, a dialog box will appear, allowing the customer to indicate whether they are still present at the device and if they would like to continue the session.
Customer name calling
To use the feature, you need to purchase the SH83 "give-a-nick" module.
The "Customer Name" function can be enabled in the ticket dispenser profiles. After activation, a nickname can be optionally or mandatorily provided on the ticket dispenser. In this case, a paper-based ticket will not be printed, and the call will be made based on the given name instead of ticket number.
Several minor issues has been fixed.