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Details of the available statistical modules.


The Key Performance Indicator lists the the most important values related to traffic, including the number of transactions and tickets, the average transaction and waiting time, and the number of missing clients.

Live map

Displays the branch data and the location of the branches on Google Map, customer satisfaction can be shown with happy, neutral and angry smileys. The live map can display branch related information, such as waiting tickets, average and longest waiting time, and many more.

Ticket chart

Displays ticket related data, gives a simple overview of the distribution of data, including bar, line, pie, polar, radar and bubble charts. All statistical data fetched by the server can be used as the value base of the charts.

Clerk session chart

Lists the status codes of the clerks and their distribution over time.

Alert chart

Displays the related alert data, gives a simple overview of the distribution of data, including bar, line, pie, polar, radar and bubble charts. The number of the alerts, the average duration and the total duration are fetched by the server and can be used as the value base of the charts.

Ticket matrix

Lists the services and their traffic over time.

Clerk session matrix

Displays clerk related information in a table, can include idle time, passive and active time, average session duration time and so on.

Alert matrix

Lists the configured rules and the amount of how many times they were triggered on a daily basis or on the selected unit's basis.

Ticket table

The default settings for this table shows the KPI values for each service, including total tickets, missing clients, average waiting, transaction and total time.

Clerk session table

Shows session related data of the clerks.

Alert table

Displays the alert related data including their time, name, message and duration.