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Ticket Dispensers

Configuring the ticket dispensers

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The main element of the system, you can configure the ticket dispenser on this page.




The ID is given by the system and is required for internal processes, and can serve purposes for debugging in case of issues.


The Name is a user-given name.

Websocket ID

The Websocket ID (or WSID) is the unique identifier of the counter.


Select the printer which is being used by the ticket dispenser. In case of paperless ticket dispenser, no printer should be selected.


You can reach the ticket dispenser via a browser by navigating to this URL. Please note: you have to add to the end of the URL the technical user’s API key.


Active/Inactive switch to determine if the device should be used in any service.

Card Readers

Available card readers

Assigned card reader which will be paired with the ticket dispenser.


You can select and assign the ticket dispenser profile here. Press the + button to select the profile you want to add. You can extend or shorten the duration of the profile on the given day by dragging the edges of the label. By right-clicking on the label, you can clone the same profile to all day, delete the profile on the given day or delete the profile on all day.


  • Ping: to check if the device is online and reachable in the network.
  • Print Test: to print a test ticket on the printer which is assigned to the ticket dispenser.
  • Refresh Screen: refresh the screen of the ticket dispenser