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Media storage

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The media storage is responsible for all the media content available for visualization. Both videos and images are stored here. You can upload all the content here by clicking on the Upload files button and drag and drop the media files which you want to use in the future on the image zone or the media zone of the visualization. You can sort the files based on their name, size or the time of upload.

Media profile editor


The media manager uses profiles to achieve various visual results. The application comes with a few built in profiles that contain basic elements. We can customize the existing ones or can create new ones from scratch to be sure that the setup will cover all our needs. We can create profile by selecting the New profile. All modifications can be saved with the help of the appearing top middle Save & apply button.

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Once a profile has been made – creating Templates and Playlists becomes essential. Completely set up profiles can be exported as well – in case of a unified style needs to be shown on all media players. Functions menu will have an option to export the selected Profile – selecting that option will ZIP the profile with all the templates and media files and place the file into the browsers default download location.


The different templates provide the required appearance of the player for the end user. In the template editor there are numerous elements and functions that can set up a unified or a totally independent and unique configuration.

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Setting up zones

Every zone have common settings – with which you are able to size and place the zones precisely on the available area. You can also modify the background colors or can upload background images. The settings of each and every region can result in a really unique visual setup or can handle a unified look if needed.

The size of the active zone will become visible on the bottom of the zone if any sizing point is held. The size of the zone is given in percentage compared to the whole area. If the whole area is covered by a region you can get out of it by hitting ESC. Each and every zone has its own setting options – apart from the common settings. The appearance menu makes it easier to size our zone and set the visibility of it. You can set the border radius here as well. Every zone can have its own background color or picture with the set of transparency.

Blank zone

This region doesn’t contain any information. We can use this area to mark or to distinguish different areas on the same screen. Other informational zones placed onto blank regions can end up in a frame look. The zones background color can be set in every way to unify the area.

Callinfo zone

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This is the main element of the media player. This area will visualize the recent and the past calling information from the queue management system. The zone contains two areas: the callinfo area and the callinfo row together is the calling region. The callinfo row will show the actual and latest calling activities. If we click on this area there will be three additional fields we might add. The Text field can carry identification text over the info. I.e.: ticket number or counter.

In this zones settings we can find system default values for different texts like ticket number or counter number (#{callinfo.ticket.number}, #{callinfo.counter.number}, #{}, #{}), or by deleting the system values we can have fixed texts as well. Font types and sizes can be modified freely. The Image field allows us to insert a small picture or logo. The Arrow field can simplify the called ticket number to be directed to the specified counter.

Callinfo zone is animated. The fresh information is “rolling” in. The view mode can be set to normal or to grid view. The latter option let us have the opportunity to categorize the calls by the service names or number intervals – even counter names or numbers in case this is the required style.

The refreshing of the callinfo row can happen vertical or horizontal ways. By setting up the lines of the callinfo we can specify how many events we need to visualize on the area. A set of configuration options increases the opportunity to set the first row index. Setting the first row index to 2 means that every second event is going to be shown in the first row. Having this option means you will need an additional row that shows the recent info as an actual state.

Each and every zone has a Functions menu where you can Clone or Delete the selected area. In case of Profile Functions menu – you have a Preview option as well – where you can preview the profile with all the modifications made on it.

Image zone

Image region can display static images on the area, you can set the transparency and size as well.

Infobox zone

Infobox zone can show RSS feeds. Media player can show RSS content from the internet/intranet. To set up this zone you will need to have an RSS URL. The Count of items can be set freely depending on the RSS channel. Refresh interval setup handles the channels information refreshing automated – so the RSS channel will always have the most up-to-date information. Duration type is set to be calculated by the length of text. In case a longer text is shown – the text will remain longer on the area. Min. duration (sec) can also be set to display the messages for a prefixed interval. .

Infobox is able to handle pictures sent by the RSS channels as well. If you want to enable this option – to have pictures as well with the newsfeed - we need to check the Show images option at the image settings. The size of the images can be handled by setting the width if images (%). Of course all the fonts type and colour and size is free to be modified.

Media Zone

Media zone can show videos and images. Video formats should be mp4 or webm. Picture file formats should be .png .jpg .jpeg or gif. The region can be muted so the videos sound would not conflict with the calling tune. We can set transparency for the area so the whole video will be accordingly transparent. This zone is directed by Playlist.

Newsticker zone

The information duration provided by this area can be set. Depending on the values set in the playlist – the region can show for example stock exchange rates, currency exchange rates or simple small clear information.

Scroll zone

Typical media player content – usually on the bottom of the screen. With this region we will be able to display static texts or RSS feeds. The speed and the direction of the shown information can be freely modified. The font type and the look of the text can be edited in a different way at this part – it can be done in the playlist itself.

Text zone

If a region or an area needs clear identification or needs tag – text zone is used. To do this you would need to set up a text zones. The zone's text field is a mandatory asset to be filled – but you can have a text swapped if you like. In case you want to have swapped text you need to fill the swapped text field as well. Font settings can be done in the zone.

Web zone

The area is able to show a predefined webpage. The transparency of this region cannot be set – so underlying content can’t be placed on top. The area is only showing the fixed URL and refreshes it as per the set time interval based upon the Refresh interval value. Content scaling can be set to be able to show the full content of the page (1=100% while 0,5=50%).

Ticket layout editor

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The printed ticket picture is a very important part of the queue management. To be able to set the most suitable printed ticket picture you will have to use the editor tool to adjust and set the desired notions and images. It is supported to Import/Export Ticket layouts.

You can create a New layout or Edit an existing one. You can use the Clone option as well to create a duplicate of an existing template.

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Once you have entered to edit mode you can select each element, including the images, texts, dates, and customize their parameters on the right side. You can add new elements that would be needed, or remove the existing ones that are irrevelant to the customer. You can edit the size, text style, alignment and color of the text elements.