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The Q-net Pro system is able to handle branch network. This page allows to add / modify / remove these branches, and adjust their parameters.

Click on "New" to create a new branch or select one in the list. On the right panel you can see and edit its working parameters:


Common tab

On the "Common" tab of the property panel you can see the ID of the branch, and you can edit the below parameters:


HU: This is the internal identified of the record in the database. It’s a read-only field and generated automatically.


HU: This is the name of the branch. This is a required field.

Rövid név

HU: This is a unique identifier of the branch. Optionally it can be shown in the statistical reports. This is a required field.

Fiókzárás típusa

HU: The options are “Normal closing” and “Virtual closing”.

For normal closing you can adjust a closing time in the next field. The purpose of this process is, to close all unclosed tickets, and logout those users, who forgot to do it by the end of the day. This way, the next day will start with the initial ticket numbers, and without tickets stuck in waiting or under transaction status.

The virtual close option is useful in case of those offices which are always open, such as hospitals, airports. In this case there is a “Tolerance time” value, after which if nothing happens with the particular ticket the system will close it automatically. Also logs out the users who were idle during this adjusted period.


HU: The options are “Active” and “Inactive”. If you set the branch to inactive, the users won’t be able to login to the branch, and the branch won’t be visible in the branch list.

Languages tab


This page is dedicated to adjust the language setting of the selected branch.

Missing page (branches) or tab (languages) in fields.yml!

Services tab


Missing page (branches) or tab (services) in fields.yml!

Dispenser profiles tab


Missing page (branches) or tab (dispenserProfiles) in fields.yml!

Feedback profiles tab


Missing page (branches) or tab (feedbackProfiles) in fields.yml!

Others tab


On "Others" tab one can fill the below parameters:

Missing page (branches) or tab (others) in fields.yml!

With AD

Unlike in case of Q-net v6, the branches will not be created (or deleted) based on AD group settings. Creating the branch automatically doesn't help much, as the configuration parameters still have to be configured manually. Instead of this, besides user role mappings we added the support of Language and Service settings.

Delete branch

When delete a branch, you can decide to delete all its connected devices, or just move them to the "Unassigned devices". Later you can find these devices under this menu.


Branch groups

The next menuitem on the left is "Branch groups" where you can organize the branches for statistical purpose based on arbitrary categories. (e.g. size, region, city)

Under "Common" tab enter a name and optionally a description for the group. Also you can set the status to enable / disable the group.


Common tab

Missing page (branch-groups) or tab (common) in fields.yml!

At the "Branches" tab select those items which should be the member of the selected group, and click "Save".



Missing page (branch-groups) or tab (branches) in fields.yml!