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Customer feedback profiles

Optional customer feedback modules can give feedback about the quality level of the service provided in the branches. For these modules a profile needs to be configured with a question and answer possibilities. Every answer has its value for positive or negative feedback. With the help of these modules the service can be fine-tuned and customers can feel more satisfied.


Common tab

This page is to create the profile of questions and answers, which are appearing on the customer feedback devices.

In order to create a new profile (the list of questions and answers to be shown after the transaction), click on "+ New" button, or select an available profile to edit it. On the right "Edit entity" panel you can see the ID of the profile and can edit the following parameters:

Missing page (feedback-profile) or tab (common) in fields.yml!

Edit structure


Click on the "Edit structure" button to edit the list of questions and the answers for these questions. In the appearing editor the languages, questions and answers can be pulled into the profile by drag and drop the selected item. First drag a language, then a question under the language, and answer(s) under the question. In case you don't need an item, to remove it, drag and drop it to the top center of the screen, where a red square appears.

When you are ready with the desired structure, click on the "Save" button.

Appearance tab

With the help of this tab it is possible to customize the appearance of the customer feedback page on the device.

Header visible

Switch ON/OFF to show or hide the header of the page.

Header left text

Enter a text to be shown on the left side of the header.

Header right text

Enter a text to be shown on the right side of the header.

Footer visible

Switch ON/OFF to show or hide the footer of the page.

Footer left text

Enter a text to be shown on the left side of the footer.

Footer right text

Enter a text to be shown on the right side of the footer.

Language button style

This selection list allows to choose among different language selection buttons: Waving flag, normal flag, button with the name of the language

Keyboard style

Choose between numeric or alphanumeric virtual keyboards (for tickets with letter prefixes)

Custom CSS

This field allows to enter custom CSS code to modify the appearance with more options.

Custom JS

This field allows to enter custom JavaScript code to modify the behavior of the page.